Erectile dysfunction which is also known sometimes as impotence constitutes the repeated incapacity to have or maintain an erection strong enough to have a pleasant sexual encounter. The term of “male impotence” can also be used to make reference to other problems which interfere with the optimal development of sexual intercourse and reproduction such as the lack of desire and the problems with ejaculation.
In older men, the erectile dysfunction usually emerges as a result of a lesion, a disease or secondary effects caused by some medicines. Any disorder that is capable of altering the tissues or nerves of the structure of the penis and any disorder which affects the blood flow to the penis can be responsible for the erectile dysfunction. The incidence has been increased since the year of 1985. Every type of sexual dysfunction is treatable at any age.
The erection begins as a result of the local and psychic influences, sensitive impulses reach to upper portion of the spinal cord where are produced reflexes through the parasympathetic sacral plexus, which leads to the vasodilatation of the arteries of the corpora cavernosa of the penis, blood pressure inside these arteries reaches the levels of the pressure inside the carotid arteries. The corpora cavernosa is engorged due to the pressure of the arteries. The lack of erotic stimulation, the atherosclerosis or the interruption of nervous connections can alter or suppress the capacity for having an erection.
Which are the main causes for erectile dysfunction?
The causes for this disorder can have psychological or physiological source or both. If it is confirmed a nocturnal tumescence of the penis in a dream laboratory, then the source of the problem is psychogenic, which means that the problem can be caused by factors such as depression or the lack of harmony on the relationship.
The physiological or organic factors which promote the emergence of an erectile dysfunction include diseases like the diabetes, the abuse of drugs (narcotics, alcohol and stimulants) and medicines like antihypertensives, anticholinergic and estrogens. It can also be caused by an insufficiency of the circulatory system and some surgeries like the prostatectomy and a vascular surgery.
Another group of lesions which can produce erectile dysfunction are the traumatisms which affect the spinal cord and the intervertebral discs. Also have great incidence on the emergence of male sexual impotence the endocrine disruption of the thyroid, the pituitary and the adrenal as the metabolic disorders of zinc. Among neurological disorders with great incidence over sexual impotence we can find the syphilis, tumors, multiple sclerosis, pernicious anemia and peripheral neuropathy. The urologic problems which can give place to male sexual impotence include the Peyronie’s disease and the priapism, as congenital anomalies such as the Klinefelter syndrome.
There are also factors which are more related with the capabilities of the couple or with the life experiences of the individual which include the lack of sexual techniques, traumatic early sexual experiences, a chaotic relationship and anxiety.
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