Vimax Helps with Premature Ejaculation
Statistical studies made on female population have revealed that those women that share sexual relations with a man with premature ejaculation feel at least thirty five percent less satisfied than those with normal sexual relations.
Besides these studies also reveal that the frequency for sexual relations for women that have a partner with this condition is lower than for those who have normal sexual relations. Another important conclusion that can be extracted from these results is that seventy five percent of women who have sexual relations with men with premature ejaculation problems consider the dysfunction of their partner critical.
Women tend to perceive the problem more dramatically and besides they tend to consider it as a medical disorder unlike men. Therefore in many occasions is the woman who encourages her partner to see the doctor and look for professional help.
Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects forty three percent of male population at any age, but it is a mistake to think that this condition affects in a negative way only to the individual who has it, since sexual life of the woman is also affected by the consequences of this dysfunction. According to the opinion of eighty five percent of female population, sexual relations are important in their lives, thus the psychological impact of sexual dissatisfaction is aggravated. Results also reveal that one for each three women with a partner with premature ejaculation are not interested on sexual relations.
Women have put their trust in physicians in order to find a proper solution for this condition. Almost eighty percent of women are sure that medical specialists may have the solution for this condition. A medical check is very important especially now that a very effective treatment for premature ejaculation has been released on the market, one of the doctors say “Vimax has been received with great hope not only by men but also by women, since both of them are sure that this product can change and enhance their sexual lives”. The opinion of women whose partner is suffering of premature ejaculation believe that this new solution released can contribute with more self confidence to each couple who has to face this condition.
In this sense, the influence of a woman over the men to have a doctor’s appointment is fundamental in order to face premature ejaculation. Women also think that their role of support and understanding is the best measure they can take in order to help their partners with premature ejaculation. In many occasions this sexual dysfunction can produce important psychological consequences on the individual and is then when the support provided by the partner acquires a very special significance. Thirty sex percent of female population believe certainly that the support provided by them can help their partner to overcome the situation.
Premature ejaculation may have different sources of the psychological type and physical type and they can affect men at any age temporally or permanently.
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